Monday, November 21, 2011

Swimmin' Along

I am, little by little, tweaking Lakshmi (my name for the tank). I added the waterbed heater to the side. I tried to add some stripping along the doors to block out the light, but to little effect. I added a small fan with heating capabilities that tubes into the air vents and, last but not least, I got some linoleum from Home Depot to cover the mission side panel and block out some light. Duct tape was my friend in this endeavor. I had a few more floats, the longest being almost 2 hours. The waterbed heater slows the water from cooling when I unplug the filtration/heater before a float.
Floating makes it easier to get into a good, relaxed state for meditation and the meditations I've been doing feel more intense, even those I do when I'm not floating.
The shower capabilities are somewhat limited. At this point, I have hooked up a hose and sprayer to a hot and cold line in the garage and spray myself while standing in an oversized bucket. Once the salt is off my body, I usually go in and take a real shower (It would be a big problem to try to walk through the house covered with the salt). I am going to try a different type of stripping to cover the cracks and keep out more light. Due to a professional hazard, I have access to an abundance of used rubber yoga mats and I will cut strips from those.
With the current filtration system and ozonater, along with the heavily brined water, I generally put a "pinch" of chlorine into the tank each week to keep it fresh.
Hopefully, I can get some other people to try it out soon and make some suggestions.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

First Float!

Long way to go in setting it up, but I had a trial float today and I'm happy with it. I had filled the tank with water last week and worked out a few minor piping leaks, so the pump/heater/filtration was running fine for a week and I was comfortable adding the thousand pounds of epsom salt yesterday (Note: expect a significant rise in your water level when you add the salt and compensate for that by filling it only a little over half of where you want to be, or put your salt in first - lesson learned).
The pump heater is set for 94 and it read 95 when I got into the tank. I unplugged the filter so that it didn't switch on while I was in there. I had been worried about not having enough salt, since this tank is a bit larger than the Samadhi I had before with 800 pounds of salt. No worries. There is still about 50 pounds of undissolved salt in there and I was floating like a cork!
The first thing I noticed was that my heartbeat was quite prominent almost immediately, which is hard to get used to. There is still a lot of work to do to make it darker in there, but it was fine with my eyes closed. I don't know if there is any value to having your eyes open if I can get it dark enough for that.
The temp dropped down to 92 by the time I finished and the difference was barely noticeable, although a longer float might require my auxillary heater (waterbed heater I plan to attach to the side) to prevent too much temperature drop with the pump/heater off.
All in all, a pleasant experience. Spraying myself with a cold hose after the fact wasn't quite as pleasant, so I still need to set up a hot water spray setup and will do that soon.