Saturday, February 12, 2011

Getting a Floatation Tank

I had a floatation tank in Seattle and didn't make good use of it (probably due to the gloomy weather, which didn't make me want to get into a very dark tank, so I sold it off. I had been thinking of getting another now that I'm in sunny California, but a new one seemed like a bit of a commitment. By some stroke of luck, it turns out that John, from my meditation class, bought one from a local spa that was getting rid of their's a few years ago and had it sitting in storage ever since. He doesn't know much about it, other than "it looks like a white spaceship," so I don't know what the model is. It sounds like it will be a bit of a project. Some of the fiberglass needs repair and I will probably need a new pump/filtration/heating system. Nevertheless, I am quite excited about this project!

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