Well, I've been floating a few times each week and I find the experience quite helpful in terms of my meditation practice. It allows a much deeper relaxation, with a greater awareness of any tension. There are still a few bugs to work out with the tank. There is a bit of dripping, which seems to find its way direct-hitting my eyes and nasal passages, which can be a brief buzz-kill. I'm thinking that running a mop along the ceiling before floating will clear the top and prevent most dripping. I also notice that keeping the fan running around the clock keeps it less drippy. I still have some covering up where the light gets in, particularly at the seems. My initial attempt to cover it wasn't that helpful, but I've been more into floating than fixing these days and, with my eyes closed, I don't notice any light anyway.
The floats have been gradually longer, getting towards 2 hours. It helps to have a defined, sequential meditation practice rather than just laying there, where an hour can seem like an eternity.
I've had one taker on trying it out, a friend of mine who is not really of the New Age mentality. He was a bit put off by the enclosed nature of it and the potential lack of oxygen. I've since cranked up the fan, which had been on a minimal setting due to concerns that the air would be distracting. Now it feels more aerated and less swampy in there. Perhaps I'll get him to try it again. Someone at the gym has a friend who he told about it and I'm told he wants to do it, but I've not heard from him. Like most of these types of things, people are intrigued, but not too keen to really try it out for themselves.
Each experience was the exact same, but various results. Get detailed info about float therapy on this site.